Finer Moments for the Best Database Maintenance

If the largest data collectors should be the first to be monitored, all companies are affected, regardless of the size, revenue or amount of data processed. The RGPD encourages EU institutions and bodies as well as Member States to take into account the specific needs of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, but does not exempt them from their obligations.
Beyond the law and the penalties incurred, the RGPD is also a great opportunity to improve the security of your CRM database, and reassure your customers on how you protect their data.
To help you secure your CRM software, here is a summary of the advice of the CNIL published in the guide the security of personal data. In case of the database you better go for the 먹튀 now for the perfect solution.
Raise awareness among users
CRM users must be made aware of the importance of data protection. Training on the main principles of the RGPD is welcome.
Authenticate users
Your CRM software must be authenticated. Users must identify themselves with a strong username and password.
Manage authorizations
The personal data stored and processed by the company must be accessible only to employees who need it in the performance of their duties. Thus, the access rights and the rights of modifications of the data vary according to the profile of the user.
Trace access and manage incidents
User activity, anomalies, and security-related events are logged through a secure logging system. Users of the CRM database are informed in advance of the use of such a system.
Secure workstations
To avoid intrusions into computer systems, workstations are secured using: automatic session locking system, firewall, anti-virus updated regularly, data backup. This list is not exhaustive.
Securing mobile computing
The implementation of backups or synchronizations, automatic locking of the mobile terminal, and means of encryption of nomadic stations are highly recommended. Users should also be aware of the specific risks associated with the use of mobile computing tools.
Protect the internal computer network
Network flows must be limited to the strict minimum, remote access is secured by VPN, and WPA2 or WPA2-PSK is required.
Secure the servers
Server security must be a priority. Regularly backing up data, installing critical updates, and limiting access to administrative interfaces are good practices that will help you ensure data security.
Secure websites
The data collected on visitors to your website are also data to protect, so you must ensure the confidentiality of information transmitted through this. You can, for example, implement the TLS protocol, limit access to administration tools and interfaces, check that no password is passed in the URL, and make sure that the user’s entries match what is expected.
Save and plan for business continuity
Data protection involves regular backups and stored in a safe place. A plan of continuity or resumption of activity anticipating possible incidents (ex: material failure) must be prepared.