How baseball is better than football

We all know that the football game is considered the most popular game in America. And its craze is also increasing day by day. People like football more than baseball because they see their future in this game.
Meanwhile, in comparison to football games, baseball game’s popularity has steadily lost nearly every year. And the reason for losing the baseball game’s popularity is, it is not as famous as football, and it cannot provide the future as football games can.
Another reason is that baseball is known as America’s pastime game, people play this game for fun.
Do you know? In comparison to baseball games, the trend of football games surpassing America’s pastime as a favorite sport is disappointing.
3 reasons why baseball is better than football
No Timing Issues/ No Clock
We all know, time is precious. The MLB game takes around 3 hours to play. This is the average time of this MLB game. And you know NFL games average time is 3 hours and 12 minutes.
And the output of this, we found football games last longer because the clock stops after nearly every play of the game. Like, quarter changes, halftime, and many non-action items cause slow the average football game.
In baseball games there is no constant clock that stops and starts the game. So, players do not have to worry about the clock’s timer, the baseball game only concerns continuous action.
Lesser Injury Risks
You know there is no more risk in a baseball game as compared to a football game, Means I am not saying that there is no any risk in a baseball game, there is risk but not more than football game.
If you are a regular player of this game, then I am sure you have heard about (UCL) ulnar collateral ligament or at least the surgery that helps to repair the UCL. If any player got this type of injury, it takes 9 to 18 months to recover, and after recovering from this injury most players are able to play baseball again. Make sure to wear a good quality pair of baseball gloves to avoid injuries to you hand.
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is one of the most serious injuries found in football games, this is a progressive degenerative disease, it causes from taking repeated blows to the head. The average of players who got this type of injury don’t recover from it. This injury severely affects brain issues for a lifetime.
As a result, the baseball game injuries often affect the arm of the player and it can be recoverable, but injuries getting by football can impact for life-time.
Longer Matches
Football teams often play once per week, its football games demand, but in case of baseball games, baseball teams can play nearly every single day during the season. High school baseball players can play 25-30 games per season.
And the Super Bowl football team plays a maximum of 20 games in a season. And you know the high school teams and college teams play less than super bowl teams. Here are the reviews of best High-School bats by Bernie Williams fan site.