
Since the beginning of legislation, there has been an attempt to prevent access to firearms for use in legitimate defense to citizens, whether in the form of total or partial prohibition or by making access to them as difficult as possible.

Although we are surrounded by various taboos and adverse opinions about the possession of a Custom AR15 Gun Manufacturer Hall County GA, we still have some points in the law that support us and reserve certain rights.

The revocation of the disarmament statute was approved, in which the prerequisites were slightly altered, expanding the possibilities for citizens to possess weapons and their extra components such as AR 15 magazine speed loader.

Prerequisites for carrying a gun:

According to the changes that have occurred in the disarmament statute, the citizen must complete the Federal Police application, in addition to presenting the following documents and civil conditions:

  • Minimum age to buy arm: 21 years
  • Purchase clearance: Every citizen must comply with the minimum legal requirements and have the right to own and carry firearms for the self-defense or protection of their own property, including people who respond to police inquiries or criminal proceedings.
  • Concession and possession requirements: Psychological test and negative shot of intentional investigation of life and process (federal or state), settlement with the Electoral Court and being 25 years old (allowed to buy with 21)
  • Permanent right to carry weapons: State careers (military, active police, prosecutors, judges, senators and deputies)
  • Who can authorize the registration and possession of a weapon: Federal Police and state security agencies.
  • Validity of gun registration: Must be renewed every 10 years.
  • Maximum number of weapons per citizen: 6 (two short-sized weapons, two long-beaded weapons and two long-bore weapons.

Old prerequisites:

This year, the Disarmament Statute went through a series of changes, the citizen who wished to buy a weapon should be 25 years old or more, justify the necessity of possession and prove his technical and psychological capacity for that purpose (handling firearms) .

The requirements remain the same: therefore, filling out the Federal Police application and all the necessary documents to start the process. In order to register, it is necessary to make the payment of fees, because only then will it be possible to withdraw the weapon legally.

Regarding the possession of a weapon for people sentenced by the court or who respond to criminal proceedings, the scenario has changed. Before the request was denied and now there is the possibility of possession under some conditions.

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