Play One of The Best Games That Defined a Genre With GTA San Andreas


There will always be something out that would pave the way to some of the best evolutions out in a particular industry. Some of the things that you see happening in our daily lives would have never reached the pinnacle that the world set it on without those bold new takes. As such, it is always a great reminder to take a step back and appreciate what made some of those more unique concepts so great and how they managed to change the landscape of their particular field.

One of the avenues that have undergone drastic change is none other than the world of video games. You can find that this particular industry is constantly shifting in newer and newer groundbreaking innovations that came as a result of individual matchmaking waves for doing something new. As such, it only fits that we take a deep dive look at what made the beloved classic GTA San Andreas.

Breaking The Status Quo

The Grand Theft Auto series of video games is one of the most recognizable game series of all time. You can find that millions of players are still playing this game series despite its long-standing tenure in the industry. Although the game’s main formula remains more or less similar to their older creations, they present and write their newer stories that make people feel that it is always a worthy investment.

This formula of making an open-world crime simulator game with a great emphasis on following a great story without having to feel as though you are stuck grinding on a set path is the reason why this game series works for a lot of people. You can bet that the San Andreas version of this game is the one that truly captured that perfect chaotic crime simulator with plenty of activities for you to do.

This gaming concept was unique back when it was first released, as most video games would have you play as the stereotypical good guy. However, this specific game breaks all those status quo by allowing you to play as someone you can see in real life, trying to find a way to become rich while stuck in a poor but realistic depiction of a low-class American life.

But the great thing about this kind of game is that it does not treat itself too seriously. You find moments of excellent writing that highlight the struggles of those living in the hood and what they have to contend with. This game also allows for plenty of situations filled with wacky moments and quirky characters that are all as memorable as the last.

Since this game is an entirely open world in design, you can bet that you will experience many different secrets and activities that you can do to pass the time. Everything from playing golf, getting fat, working out at a gym, competing in races, and even fighting against the law are some things you can do in this game in your spare time.

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