Tips for beginners for cycling:

Each and everyone will have some talent. Some will be interested in art, dance, singing, acting, etc., Like that some boys will have interest and craze in riding. No one will be an expert by birth. If you have interest in particular thing you have learned everything about that, get practice, and only you became an expert in that. Practice and experience will make you highly professional in your skills. If you have interest in riding bicycle, you have to keep these tips in mind when you get out of your rides to have safe and happy riding. Here are some essential tips for every rider.
Keep your bicycle clean:
You have to wash your bicycle to keep it from looking pristine for running good to extend the life of cycle. When you clean your bicycle, it will help to prevent it from dirt and grease buildup in bicycle parts. For cleaning, all you need is a bucket of water, soap, a sponge, a towel and a small brush to clean every part of your bicycle like bicycle frame, chain, chain rings, pedals, brakes, seats, etc. You have to maintain your cycle like a Stunt Cycle because stunt riders will always keep their bicycle very clean and attractive.
Lubricate your drive train:
After a ride, you have to wipe off and clean your chain. So doing this will allow time for the lube to sink into the chain. Some will like to lube before a ride, but that can attract dust and dirt. When using lube, add just a small amount and wipe it off. It will attract more dirt when you use too much lube on your fat bicycle.
Inspect your tires:
Always you have to inspect your tires and check their pressure using a floor pump. Check them for any other damages after ensuring that your tires are inflated properly while moving. If you forgot to check the condition of your tires, you have to stop your ride in the mid of your travel.
Have to check screws and nuts:
You have to check if there are any loose bolts, screws or nuts in your bicycle. If you notice any loose screws, you have to adjust it and make fit everything. After that, you can start your ride. Keep spare bolts, screws, and nuts with you while riding.
Check your brakes:
Good brakes are essential for a bicycle. Brake pads will wear down often, so check your brake pads. If you feel that your brakes are soft, your brake pads will likely need to be replaced.
Learn how to fix a flat tire:
What will you do if you are out for riding alone and suddenly you got a flat tire? So you have to know how to replace tubes and basic repairing for rebuilding. You can learn these simple things even from YouTube videos. So you don’t want to get scared when you get a flat tire during your ride.
Bottom line:
If you get a bicycle and excited to start riding, you have to keep these things in your mind for your safety and a comfortable ride. So you also get an unforgettable moment in your every travel of riding a bicycle.