Tips for Using a Hockey Shooting Pad

A hockey shooting pad is a great way to get some extra training in without having to leave your home. They are designed so that you can focus on one thing. Your shot. This way you can master those one-timers and get them right every time. Being good is ok, but being excellent comes with lots of practice. Not sure how to use a shooting pad? That’s OK, we have some tips for you. Keep up your training and you will be unstoppable.
Have a Lot of Pucks Ready to Go
If you are focusing on your shooting skills the last thing you want to do is have to stop and chase the puck after each time to hit it. One thing you can do is make sure you have plenty of pucks so you can shoot non stop for a while. A great tip is to find a plastic milk crate, fill it with pucks, then tip it on its side within reach of your stick. This way all you have to do is slap the puck, then pull the next one out of the crate and slap that one.
Focus One Shot at a Time
If you are using a hockey shooting tarp you can see that there are different areas on the top within the goal for you to shoot for. The upper left and right, the lower left and right then the small slot in the middle on the bottom referred to as the five-hole. Pick the one that you have the most trouble with and focus on that particular shot. The more pucks you have, the more you can repeatedly shoot for that target and train your muscles for that exact shot. This way, when you get out there in a real game the muscle memory will kick in and you will have that extra advantage from what you learned in your training. Don’t just shoot, snipe with a purpose.
Try Lining Some Pucks Up
Another effective way to boost your shooting skills is to set some pucks up in a line on your pad. Give yourself enough room in between the pucks for a good swing, but keep them close enough to stay moving until you hit them all. One by one use your backhand skills to slap them right into your target in rapid-fire mode. This will not only increase your shooting skills but work on your speed and focus as well.
Stay Consistent
If you want to be great at anything the key is to stay consistent. When you keep on practicing even when you are sick of it you gain so much. As you are working on the skills you mean to sharpen, such as making shots or building speed you are also building stamina and self-discipline in the process. Hockey is a tough sport so the players have to be tough. By continually working on your game you are making yourself tough. Practice regularly, keep yourself in great health, and always have a positive attitude. With this kind of mindset, you can’t go wrong.